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Inner West Spiritualist Centre

Our leadership team is the Rev Brett Thomas and Val Hood

We hold a physical spiritualist service/meeting on the first Tuesday of each month at 7.00 pm ~ (except January)

Where we have guest mediums, spiritual healing, and meditation.

We also hold online services via Zoom on the third Tuesday of the month.

Our aim is to provide an understanding of the survival of the spirit entity, from out of the physical world into the realms of the spiritual consciousness.

To give a better understanding for all persons who seek an alternate path in life, for those who choose to open their minds to the higher levels, other than the third dimension on earth plane.

To provide fellowship, comfort and understanding to those who seek the truth and help guide those persons who wish to follow their heart and minds, and let their intuition be their guide.

The simple rules we apply, as set out in the Seven Principles of Spiritualism by allowing the God Force to guide our daily lives of integrity with truth, light and love.

Our mediums come with love to share for all, and brings this concept into reality by an address and demonstration at our monthly meeting/service.

Seven Principles of Spiritualism 

  1. The Fatherhood of God
  2. The Brotherhood of Man
  3. The Communion of Spirit and the Ministry of Angels
  4. The Continuous Existence of the Human Soul
  5. Personal Responsibility
  6. Compensation and Retribution for all the good and evil deeds done on Earth
  7. Eternal Progress Open To Every Soul

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